Digital Marketing for Electricians

by | Oct 22, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

There are 49664 electrician businesses in the UK according to IbisWorld. This number grows every year. More competition means more marketing effort required for your business. 

Just being local isn’t sufficient. You must reach out to potential customers and explain why your services are the best option for them.

90% of customers search online before hiring a tradesman or contractor. Your business must be visible and appealing to stand out among the options they consider. That’s where digital marketing comes in.

Why Electricians Need Digital Marketing

Word of mouth is powerful, but it’s not enough in 2023. Countless electricians rely on their customers to spread the word about their business. It’s a sound strategy that has worked for years, but with more businesses using digital marketing, relying on word of mouth will not cut it. 

Think about it this way, if you have 10 customers, they may recommend your services to a total of 5 friends thanks to your expertise and great service. 

If you use digital marketing to expose your electrical expertise and great service to more people, you can attract 100 customers, still do a great job, and then they recommend your service to 50 friends. 

As you can see word of mouth is still important, but boosted by your digital marketing efforts.

Relying on local bulletins and newspapers is a thing of the past, 97% of people learn about local searches online. Learn how to build a powerful online presence and attract new customers for your electrical business using the internet. 

  • As of 2023 there are around 1.1 million monthly searches for “electrician”.
  • A study by Google showed that companies with a digital marketing plan experienced 180% higher revenue growth than those without. 
  • 80% of local business searches result in a customer connecting with business they find either by phone or in person. 

These stats show how important it is for your electrician business to have presence online. Tap into this gold mine of leads to stay ahead of your competitors. The electrical contractors with the best online presence are the ones that are getting the most work and expanding their business faster. 

What Can I Do to Market my Electrical Company?

Web Design & Web Pages

A well designed web site is a must. The primary goal of your website is to bring customers to your business, to convert leads into sales. To be most effective at this it should be designed with this goal in mind. 

A site should be bespokely designed for your ideal customers. If you carry out electrical work on large commercial projects your site will be completely different to a domestic electrician or a solar panel installer. 

We have the experience and data to create websites that speak directly to your ideal clients. This is done through research at the start of a new web project.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of making your website appear more relevant to Google so that it get’s pushed to the top of the search results. It is a PVP game, here you can beat your competitors to the top of the rankings to become the most popular electrical contractor in your local area. Remember: the top result gets the lions share of traffic. Getting your site to the top result for a high intent search like “electricians near me” is invaluable for bringing in quality leads.

Web design and SEO go hand in hand. For the best results your website should be designed with SEO in mind. Pages need to be optimized to rank high for specific keywords. Check out our SEO guide (coming soon)

Ranking high organically creates trust. Being the first search term puts you in a position of authority. More people will want your services and will be willing to pay more for a more prolific and experienced business.

SEO is a long game, it takes weeks to see changes and months to see results. The benefit is that the up front investment continues to pay off indefinitely by bringing traffic and maintaining your business’ brand authority on the internet.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

The most effective form of PPC advertising for electricians in the UK is Google Ads. These are the ads you see at the top of your searches, they’re relevant to your search and look almost like organic search results.

With Google ads you can buy visibility for your business. They can be expensive and high competition depending on the keyword you select, but if you get them right they can bring profitable work to your business fast.

Ads let you get in front of a relevant audience quickly. You choose who you target and what search terms to advertise on. This means you can deliver ultra precise marketing and generate the leads that your business needs: ideal customers.

To do this you should have an idea of your ideal client profile, what they search for, what are their needs and desires. Then craft your ads with this research as the blueprint.

There are companies that will run and manage your ad campaigns for you, for a fee. We offer this service at Eruptible, click the button below to book a consultation and see how paid advertising can help your electrical business grow.

Content Marketing

One of the most effective ways to market an electrical business is content marketing.

This means creating genuinely useful and relevant content that helps or interests the customers you’re targeting. This could be through blogs, podcasts, videos or any type of online content you can think of.

Content marketing builds authority in the market, making your business more desirable to hire. The best customers want to hire an experienced and competent electrician. Building brand authority through content shows them that that is you, as well as driving more traffic to your business. Content attracts people.

Social Media Marketing

Building a presence on social media is probably the highest ROI activity a local tradesman can do.

It builds authority (are you seeing a pattern here?) and boosts your visibility. A great way to get traffic to your website is through social media.

Businesses and one man bands are growing large followings on social media sites such as TikTok, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Getting Started

As more people look to the internet for their services, it’s crucial for electricians to stay updated with the latest trends to remain competitive and relevant..

Kick-starting your marketing on your own can be difficult, especially for busy electricians, that’s why we provide web design and SEO services to electrical contractors. We know what works in the industry from experience.

If you want to drive more traffic to your site, convert more visitors into leads and grow your electrical business exponentially, book a free SEO and web consultation where we will give you guidance on the next steps and let you know how we can help if you choose to invest with us.